Friday, February 24, 2012

Estrogen, hormones, osteoporosis and bone

Estrogen hormones, osteoporosis and bone

We demand and we believe our bones will continue our lives, but it may take them for granted and treat them as rental cars. Care or negligence - the result of our choice. By Madeleine Berendt, DS This 6:30. City eyes open to the sun painting new painting in the foothills. The ears are attentive to sound padding in the morning on foot corridor designation locked body moves, the dream seemed as commitment from horizontal to vertical made. Sense waiting stomach shifts all attention to the kitchen. Weapons continue to understand fingers, mouth waiting ... Coffee? Milk? Soda? Juice? Shake? Water? So begins a new day in "Herstory" of bones. Bones is a secret obedient workers, silhouettes barely visible, but invisible at home continuous activity. They are part of the passive subsystem is unable to move, not ours, but our physical existence depends on their strength, support and protection. They are also home to a precious part of our immune system. Women and bones associated in our culture, although men also undergo changes in bone health. In various stages of the life cycle of women, birth ratio changes (new bone is built) / (old bones were broken), and the choices made in the normal rhythm of the day can support or impede the potential inherent demand. In addition to the daily choice, because our body is designed for maximum bone density during the 30's, time is also a factor, but also pay attention in the early years can affect whether or not our maximum is reached. Nutrition. Drinks. Exercise. Elected for prescription drugs. Hormones. BONE choice. And the choice is subluxated offers possible consequences we can not ignore. We demand and we believe our bones will continue our lives, but it may take them for granted and treat them as rental cars. Care or negligence - the result of our choice. In Womanculture as described Symptoms / Diseases / prevention model, osteoporosis (or fear) is a lot of attention, especially regarding its proposed treatment of menopause, estrogen deficiency and bone density. Looking at the view from inside, not outside, there are reports that offer clarity: - Poor bone health during menopause, is not automatically associated with this lifecycle as studies show that osteoporosis can begin many years before lasix dosing menopause (care children is important!).

We are told that we lose estrogen (estrogen deficiency imaging), but that loss? Congenital throws our hormone level - to do what is right for this cycle, and protects us from the effects of having too much hormone, that excess can lead to cancer. Estrogen is a hormone bone builder, reports indicate that progesterone (progestin is) responsible for this function. Low bone density is determined by osteoporosis, they are not interchangeable terms "relative =" NOFOLLOW ">, DTL is a factor that can contribute, but does not guarantee, OP, as additional factors weigh in.muscletech anabolic halo hardcore pro series As the hormones involved in bone health, hormones largely contributed, but their sales tend samosabotazha as an inevitable side effect of the surface. As revolutionary soldiers, new products are ready to replace them, ready your 15 minutes of fame, promises and spinning information is often obtained from self study before they too were shot. The public questioned the authenticity of the endless cycles of "miracle" drugs that can deliver "miracle" of side effects. Miracles? real miracles can come from above, down, inside of. intervention in bone health can seem quiet, but the effects of very loud, as the most common first site of fractures due to osteoporosis of the thoracic spine, which protects and is our nervous system. In my practice, women talk about their moms Image quality of life decline as its spine crumbling, they want to be educated and informed about how to help your spine be healthy in the long run. I am ready to help them and their daughters in pidvyvyh care and training benefits of chiropractic lifestyle. Back in the kitchen, a few quick comments about what we have achieved and how they affect the bones.

Coffee - chemically can create a negative balance of calcium Coffee is one of the crops most heavily sprayed with pesticides and questions how these hormones may .. effect on bone health People actually live without coffee, if it sounds unbearable, many try organic, drink less or stimulate the activities of other factors builder milk bones - Congenital designed to become lactose (3 of 4 adults), let us hear. Milk is the best source of calcium, in fact, after 3 generations of milk promotion, osteoporosis has reached epidemic proportions in the West, while in countries where it is spent, hardly exists. Calcium can be found in many convenient sources, try soda there - .. Bubbles and bones do not mix, research shows it leeches calcium and children, many of soda was low blood calcium Another study showed, DOUBLE urinary calcium loss in teens 13-19 (remember those years spent building. At peak bone density)

ASC -. Natural is better, when calcium is artificially encouraged (as in fortified) reported calcium can be done at the point (cardiovascular, kidney, female genital mutilation)

SHAKE - can be an excellent start to the day, depending on what is put he has good material: organic fruit, almonds or other nut oil, rice milk fun experimenting water - one of the best ways to start the day with ... a glass of clean (filtered from the effects of chemicals / hormones) water, hot or cold with lemon. Then for a good breakfast. It's 6:30 New day awaits. Start with a strange and pidvyvyh-free. Dr. Madeleine Berendt Author women experience / AWE (TM) report on women's health topics.

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